Emotions gaming dimension, visual and graphics quality are a great part of the overall immersion level in a gaming experience. Since the 80s, we have been dreaming of full visual immersion in a video game.

The first Virtual Reality game experience was the adaptation of the iconic game series: Doom(ID software) with its 360 degrees head tracking.

Virtual reality is a real step forward for the industry in terms of user experience (UX). Since VR appeared, there are a lot of VR editions of famous game franchises (“Doom VFR or Skyrim VR, Red Dead Redemption 2“). The first AAA game designed for VR is Half-Life: Alyx(one of the best VR games in 2020).

The Half-life game from the successful Valve franchise proposes a real story with some crafting, shooting and puzzle-solving.

Today, we have almost reached perfect graphical realism, but one key element is still missing to initiate a new paradigm shift: Emotion. OVOMIND, with its Software Development Kit (SDK), will make it possible to improve a game’s artificial intelligence and Non Player Character (NPC) interactions.

“Since there are gaming experiences, there are emotions.”

New generation of interactivity level!

Emotions gaming 2.0: Yet, a game is unaware of the player’s emotions and a fundamental attribution error can occur. Emotions will allow a better understanding of the player’s reactions along the play. The game will adapt in real-time its many aspects like music, narratives or gameplays. Just imagine one NPC playing with you in a horror game, asking you when you are feeling stressed: “Are you feeling ok? Step back for a while, I will protect you!”.

With OVOMIND (ovomind.com) the game is now able to feel the player’s emotions and propose new story plots according to player feelings. Grant a bonus after a player’s deception, avoid to disturb when the player is frustrated, etc… the options are limitless.

The most powerful tool for storytelling and a new generation of gaming UX is now available.

In 2021, Twitch is the most important platform used, from a prime streamer to a casual streamer. Emotions, through a dedicated HUD, will allow the community to be more connected.

Emotions gaming dimension

Emotion detection in gaming makes it possible to detect stressful sequences or pain points. For example, in aiming situations on First Person Shooters or FPS. Players can now use aim training applications or look for the best aim trainer software like “KovaaK” available on “Steam” with an accuracy tester.

Those applications can be combined with OVOMIND technology and emotional

HUD/Overlay to monitor and isolate specific types of actions or sequences which provide the most intense stress.

Users can then choose appropriate training, including these stressful actions or sequences to improve their overall gaming performance.